CLUB GROUP RIDE Registration Required
Start Time
9 am clip-in (please be ready 10 minutes before)
Start / End Point
Dogfish Head Brewery
6 Cannery Village Center
Milton, DE 19968
Services at Start: none
Services at End: food/drink/restrooms at brewery
Target Speed
Rest Stop
@ Mile ~ 23 - Royal Farms Ellendale OR Milford depending on route ; Services: restrooms and water
Ride with GPS
route will be chosen at start depending on wind direction-PLEASE DOWNLOAD ALL THREE ROUTES
"texas" clockwise:
"texas" counterclockwise:
Additional Info
Contact the Ride Leader PRIOR to registering if you are not sure you will be able to keep up with the target speed and/or distance.
Ride Leader(s)
(215) 378-1954
Please check your email on the morning of the ride for any changes.
If you cannot attend, please cancel online. The Ride Leader will be notified.
Have you downloaded the Wild Apricot for Members app?
It's the easiest way to view, register and cancel events.