Registration Required
Start Time
9:30 clip-in (please be ready 10 minutes before)
Start / End
Stephen Hudson Park
Southwest corner of Rt 9 (Lewes-Georgetown Highway) and Cool Spring Rd
38.73193° N, 75.24859° W (paste into maps app)
Services at Start: none
Services at End: none
Target Speed
Rest Stop
Ellendale Royal Farms at 18 miles
Ride with GPS
Max Riders
20 Riders. If needed, the group will be split with another Ride Leader.
Other Info
Our web provider will be doing maintenance on Monday, 21 October. This may cause problems with registration. IF you have a problem text Renata (703 593-9247) to tell me your coming. Include your name.
This is a no drop ride.
Contact the Ride Leader PRIOR to registering if you are not sure you will be able to keep up with the target speed and/or distance.
Ride Leader(s)
Allen Segal
215 962-9779
Renata Price
703 593-9247
Please check your email and the calendar on ride day for any changes.
How to Cancel Event Registration
From the calendar event, select the blue "Already registered" link below the Register button. Scroll down and select "Cancel Registration."
- OR -
Download or open the "Wild Apricot for Members" app below. Go to "Tickets" on the menu, select the ride, then Cancel.
Download the Wild Apricot for Members App
It's the easiest way to view, register and cancel events.
RT 7/1/23