Check out this series of observations and photos from Sussex Cyclists member and assistant Club Ride Leader Mike Schultz.
Each weekly post usually tells a story about how he spent the days in his (way out-of-area) rides in Thailand. Read about his bike rides, cycling companions and thoughts about the food and people he's met.
Mike left for Thailand in mid-January and we look forward to him collecting many safe and enjoyable miles while he's not a flatlander any more. When he returns in early April , we look forward to him telling us "all" about his adventures in a far away land and on a commercial bicycle he wouldn't be caught riding on one of our Club Group Rides!
Mike's message from Thailand: Good luck to all in Sussex and keep riding.
1/20/23 - In the Beginning
Totally settled in here at a guesthouse on the beach with all amenities 300 dollars a month. Luxury for me. The second hand Richert bicycle I bought from an overweight Dutchman for 100 dollars needed work but it may serve well. [See right panel for Mike's self described opinion - "My trusty, rusty, crappy Richart junk bike. How I miss my bamboo."
I've been going out on group rides with Jomtien Cycling Club 3-4 times a week. Brutal! We leave town in darkness 6:15 am sharp and make our way into the surrounding hills. The obstacles are quite surprising, packs of wandering feral dogs, water buffaloes, mendicant monks, tuk-tuks, street vendors, maybe an elephant or two.........Read More from Mike
[Editors Note: The 13th and final installment (4/3/23) of Mike's adventure is now posted - welcome home, Mike!]
Mike’s first ride on his wooden frame eBike (taken during a Monday Group Paved Trail/Road Ride
from Dewey Beer-Harbeson, Summer 2022 )
Mike’s “Thai” Bike he acquired soon after arriving in Thailand for $100 (January 2023)
["My trusty, rusty, crappy Richart junk bike.
How I miss my bamboo."]