Another great day today. We had 14 volunteers but managed to finish in the same amount of time as we did in April with 22 volunteers!
I'm not sure if this was because we had less trash this time, if we were just more efficient, our trendy attire or, was it because we had our resident celebrity participating today (see list & photo below) ... Mr. Mahaney!!!
All kidding aside, thank you all again for taking the time out of your busy schedules to help make our community just a little better.
Nice job everyone!!!
Volunteers included: Coogan Cameron, John Eckenrode, John Hayes, Louis Hepp, Gilbert Hofheimer, Heidi Lerch, Pat Miller, Mike Savage, Terry Savage, Denny Shook, Fran Shook (not included in photo), David Wellborn, Randy Kubetin and Stephen Mahaney.